If you think the Tale Graphics Driver fits your needs and are using it regularly I recommend registering it. Remember: a software worth using is a software worth buying. If you are distributing software on a shareware/commercial basis (i.e. you do not provide the software for free) that is using the Tale Graphics Driver you must register. However I DO allow the use of this shareware version of the tgdlp4 graphics driver package free of charge for creation of public domain or freeware programs. Benefits of registration: ========================= tgdlp4xx.obj: * you'll be able to use 32 sprites instead of 8 in your programs * additional support for the large memory model (allows > 64KB code size of your application) * royalty-free right to sell programs using the Tale Graphics Driver runtime libraries. tgd tools: * all artificial conversion limitations are removed. You will be able to convert bitmaps and fonts that can be as large as the available base memory. It will also be possible for you to create sprites with up to 255 animation sequences instead of 8. updates: * you will be notified when updates of the graphics driver become available and receive them at special prices. So, register now! ----------------------------------------------------------------- REGISTRATION INFORMATION: ========================= Registration fee is 60 US$ (90 DM in Germany/Europe) for a single user license. A single user license allows you to sell programs using the TGD runtime libraries on a private, individual basis. (If you want to leave the marketing and/or selling of your application to a commercial business whether this company or you require a commercial license of the graphics driver. Contact me for more information about that.) Add 5 US$ (5 DM in Germany, 8 DM european countries) to the registration fee for p&p. International orders: Please pay cash or by an International Postal Money Order payable in Deutsch Marks. NO DOLLAR CHEQUES because they cause additional costs. European orders: Please pay cash or by Eurocheque. German orders: Bitte zahlen Sie bar, per Euroscheck oder per Verrechnungsscheck. To: Christian Wagner TLP4V11b Virchowstr. 1 85521 Ottobrunn Germany Please write clear and legible! Your name: _____________________________________________________ Adress: _____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________ Country: _____________________________________________________ Please check (circle): How do you want to receive your registered version of the Tale Graphics Driver? x on 3,5" disk (1.44 MB) x on 5,25" disk (1.2 MB) Payment: x cash (enclosed), US$ 60 + US$ 5 (internatl. orders) DM 90 + DM 5 (german orders) x International Postal Money Order (enclosed), DM 90 + DM 8 (internatl. orders) x Eurocheque (enclosed), DM 90 + DM 8 (europ. orders) DM 90 + DM 5 (german orders) x Verrechnungsscheck (anbei), DM 90 + DM 5 (german orders only)